Monday, 19 March 2012

Instagram for Photoshop

For those of you who have an iPhone/iPod touch, you’ll probably know that instagram is a great app for lomo-fying your photos. For those of you who don’t, you’d have probably seen the images around anyway.
I used to have an iPod touch, but after dropping it in the sea last summer I have missed all of its lovely apps, including instagram. Until I came across this guys website.
He’s created a set of actions to use in photoshop, which pretty much create the exact same affects on your photos as instagram.
Heres one example:
Also I dyed my hair last night using some of that foam hair stuff. It’s extremely easy to use and takes about half the time to apply. 
No more blonde roots :)
I’m going to try to get into the swing of blogging again, I went on a slight month long creative block. I like to think I’m back on track.